

WebOPAC home page displayed the latest 10 items arrived in library. User can customize the type of books displayed in latest 10 items. By default bibliographic book cover image is displayed for these items. If downloaded book cover image is available, then it is displayed in WebOPAC. User can show books having only downloaded book cover images by configuring WebOPAC.

Scan the QR code to save or access the Library OPAC URL. You can also send an email to the library by scanning a QR code for Email.


Web OPAC offers you following facilities:


Simple and Advanced Search.


Browse in different Catalogues.


Query Result Set

Make a Basket (Collection) of different items.


Login as a user.


Ask Us allows you to contact the library.


View My Information


View  recently arrived items by clicking on Arrivals :


Arrivals: The ‘Arrivals’ menu has following submenus: ‘Photos’, ‘DVDs’, ‘Books’ etc. User can also customize the submenus in the ‘Arrivals’ menu according to your requirements. Refer respective section in ‘How Do I’ document for the more details. To view the Recent Additions to the library collection, click Arrivals. A list of items acquired in the library in the last 30 days will be displayed. You can change the number of days in ‘Items Arrived’ box. Clicking on Scope will display options like Sort Order, Display Format, and Items/Page. Select the values if you want to apply filter and click Apply. Similarly, if you click any submenu in the ‘Arrivals’ menu, it will show you recent addition to the library collection for the respective item type.

View list of expected items by clicking on Expected.

This facility is used to view the list of items expected to arrive in the coming days. You can specify number of days in which item should arrive in library. You can apply filter of Item Types with excepted days for any library items. The details of listed items can be viewed using title hyperlink. 

View list of items for reference by clicking on Reference Items.

This facility is used to view list of items with “Reference” as lending policy. You can apply filter for Item Types to search for any library items. The details of listed items can be viewed using title hyperlink.

View list of Journals by clicking on Journal List.

This option is used to view a list of journals available in library. Select the ID Types, Journal Status, Sort Order and Items/Pages. Click Apply. The details of listed journals can be viewed by clicking respective ‘Select’ option present at left most. In details of journal, status column shows the URL Link associated with the loose of that journal. Clicking on link, the page will redirect to specified URL.

View proposed items by clicking on Proposals.

By default, displays list of all proposals. Clicking on scope will display options like select status, select processing stage etc. you can change the number days in which items are proposed in ‘Select items Proposed in Last <Number of days> days’. You can also search the proposal by a word in title. Enter the word in ‘select item where title contains’ text box and click Apply button. The list of proposal containing the searched word in title gets displayed.

This option is used to view all proposals submitted by members. The details of each proposal are shown in the table.

View list of media links by clicking on Media List.

User can also customize the submenus in the ‘Media Lists’ menu according to your requirements. Refer respective section in ‘How Do I’ document for the more details. 

View circulation rules by clicking on Rules.

View Today’s news clipping records uploaded by clicking Today's News.

The new clippings records displayed in this report are sorted and grouped by subject name for the subject class number specified with the record. If subject name for specified class number is empty then the news clip records are grouped by subject class number. If class number is not specified with the record the records are displayed under ‘unspecified’ group. Note that, is same subject name is specified for different class numbers then in the news clip records such subject names are displayed appended by the subject class number in group heading.